Letters to Pakistan

Oh Pakistan…

to watch your plains flood,

and your villages disappear,

your future drowning before your eyes,

death glistening under the sun,

waiting for you in the

months ahead…

Come to my house, Pakistan,

tell them to bring you to my house…


we will get along…

Dear Pakistan,

How my heart wrings and

twists into knots for you…

I want to come there,

to be there, to

lift you out of the

waters rising

over your heads,

to put up tents,

to cook, to clean, to…



I would only be

one more mouth to feed,

one more arm needing a vaccine,

one more body for anti-biotics…


hand to hand contact

makes no sense, coming from

where I am…

I am here, without even

the money to get out,

let alone to get there –

money better spent,

better sent…

But I want to ship you my clothes,

my sheets,

my tent, my food stuffs,

vegetables and lentils,

water, sweet water,

and love…

Dear Pakistan,

I am not

a Muslim,

but I love Urdu,



the call to prayer…

I am not a Muslim,

and you are

a Muslim state –

who knows how I’d fare in your hands,

me and my American woman ways –

but when one is

drowning, there is only

one, or some other

god to call on.

When children

have no food, no water,

no crops to grow,

are starving,


there is only

the hand of

some one, or some other

that can save, heal, feed

that child,

that adult,

that village,

that country…

Dear Pakistan,

For how long will your

thighs push through that water, as

the bodies of your families,

your neighbours, your animals

float bloated by,

dry out,


by the river side…?

And even when that water has

finally seeped into the Earth,

for how long

will your body feel





Oh, I can send that ten, or twenty dollars,

(being of meager means myself)

but what good can it do?

Hah, you say,

that’s a week’s worth of food,

that’s three tents for three families,

that’s fuel for many fires,

and more…

But with those dollars,

I wish I could

touch your hand,

cook you a meal,

carry a burden for you,

wrap a dry blanket around

your shoulders,

give you a drink,

sing you a song,

rebuild your house,

keep you on your land…

Dear Pakistan,

I wish we could

scoop the water

out of your house

and give it all

to Syria.

Did you know

there’s a drought there?

No water, no rains

for four years…

Things are happening,

making people uproot,

and die.

Hard times,



Maybe we could build

special irrigation lines

all across the lands,

divert the too much water

to where there is none;

can’t we try that?

Someone should work on that:

Huge rain barrels

dispensing to pipelines

dispersing to dry cracked lands…

That way,

Syria could feed Pakistan, and

Pakistan could feed Syria, and

we could work this system out


How hard could that be?

Shouldn’t we try that?

We can get to the moon;

we can create

and drop

nuclear bombs;

but we can’t figure out

how to get

the water

out of Pakistan

and into Syria???

Dear Pakistan,

Who are you to me,

that I should be so

torn in two

seeing you



washed away into

the vastness,

the past,

the silence…?

Who am I to you

that I should care



That my throat should

close up, my knees buckle,

and my body sob tears

at the sight of you,

trudging through;

that I should want to

put my hand out and

pull you up, to say


Come here,

to My house,

there’s plenty of room…

Dear Pakistan…

Morning After

Today is

the morning after

Yom Kippur.

I find it hard to

put food in my mouth.

I woke with

a subtle headache,

undoubtedly from

going without

coffee for 48 hours,

and though I’ve

made myself a cup,

I don’t really want

to drink it.

I want to go outside

and drink in

the wide silence,

to be with

the earth.

On the radio

Joanna Macy is

reading Rilke to me,

reminding me

to remember

the beauty

of this world…

“World is lover,

world is self;

it’s okay for our

hearts to be broken

over the world…”

For this

I’ve needed


for I am just

a foolish woman


over the world…

to listen to Joanna Macy on Speaking of Faith:


“Restoring Honor”, really?

Oh yes, we’re gonna have a race war, right here in America, the one we never finished having…And while I’d like to say we can blame people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, they merely represent and coalesce many of the people, especially white people, in this country who’ve kept to themselves in their living rooms because it wasn’t acceptable to say certain things in public.  They now want their ‘freedom’ back, and that’s what Glenn and Sarah represent.

They are not interested in Pluribus. They are not interested in bringing together the America that exists. Their vision of America is a white one: no reds, no browns, no yellows, no non-Christians…White, with Jesus as your personal saviour (poor Jesus).

They preach a heartless each-man-for-himself kind of monoculture; they spread ignorance; and they whip up people’s most base fears and violence.  People who are feeling disenfranchised and afraid of losing what they have are easy to whip up into rabid frenzies.

It is not impossible to imagine a kind of fascism getting started here: folks wearing brown shirts, marching through towns and neighborhoods, loud, angry, violent, showing their White Power, calling it a fight for Freedom, for America, in the name of God.

When this kind of behaviour started in Germany, people just let it go by because they couldn’t take “those people” seriously.  The same as now: few non-tea-party types take “these people” seriously.  After all, they’re so obviously inflammatory, irrational, pandering, performing, narrow minded, hysterical, manipulative, shocking, lying, full of shit, etc…They’re just a flash in the pan.  It’s just FoxNews.  This too shall pass.

We overlook this moment to our detriment.

The world is increasingly fundamentalist and reactionary, and full of murderous energy.

It is no small accident that this rally has been planned for the same day as the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech. And as usual, the irony of being so disrespectful to members of the black/interracial community while screaming about a lack of respect from the Muslim community, is lost on the less nuanced thinkers that are fired up by these two people and their kind of rhetoric.

These people want their country “back”, and their country a) never was; b) is only for white people who believe in manifest destiny.  in the American flag.  and Guns.  and “God”.  and by “God” they mean the god that they perceive Jesus to be the son and sole representation of.

Glenn Beck is quoted as saying: “We are on the right side of history. We are on the side of individual freedoms and liberties, and damn it, we will reclaim the civil rights movement.”

This is how our educational system is failing us.  There is a disconnect in this sentence, and it’s so slick that most tv viewers would have a hard time parsing it out.

“We are on the “right side” of history”: I think that is the most true thing in the whole phrase.  Yes, the “right” side, not the left.  How left and right ever got to mean what they now mean (due to parliamentary seating?) is beyond me, but taken as it is, “right” meaning conservative, not traditionally aligned with multicultural polytheistic models of governance, “right-wing” usually meaning white-wing,  yes, true statement; clear, simple, I agree.

But then comes: “We are on the side of individual freedoms and liberties.”  In this context, it implies that anyone who isn’t with them, on the “right side”, isn’t on the side of “individual freedoms and liberties”.

I’d have to point out here that, traditionally speaking, historically speaking, the “right” side has not been in favour of individual freedoms and liberties for ALL, only for SOME, and always the SOME that looked liked, and worshipped like them, and usually owned property, property they acquired through some shady deal, or outright thievery.

Also, Freedom, Liberty, and Justice mean very particular things to these folks.  Freedom, Liberty to be left alone to do whatever they want, no matter what the cost to others (who presumably only have the liberty to get dog-eat-dog, or get sick and die); and Justice for anyone who disagrees with them – Justice meaning exacting revenge on anyone who disrespects America – (kind of like justice for anyone who disrespects Mohammed – )

So this is Orwell speak wrapped in patriotic lingo.

And then, the coup de grace, linking all that with the worst insult of all, and a blatantly racist revelation: “We will reclaim the civil rights movement.”…

I mean, come on: How can a bunch of neo-con, fundamentalist white people “reclaim” the civil rights movement?  Just what does that mean? Was it ever theirs?  What do they mean by “civil rights”?  What is there for them to “reclaim”?

I doubt that any of these folks would’ve even joined in any civil rights rallies, let alone lay down in the road for the rights of a black person!  How many of them even work with black people?  “Reclaim” the Civil Rights Movement???!!!

What a travesty they are.  But a very dangerous one.

Glenn Beck is also quoted saying this rally is meant to “recognize our First Amendment rights and honor the service members who fight to protect those freedoms.”   Is he including black service members?  Hispanic service members? Muslim service members?  Jewish service members?  Asian service members?  Women service members?  Gay service members?????

And, is he thinking about whether or not bombing other countries actually protects “our” freedom?  Couldn’t we do that by ensuring that we are not invaded, that we are strong and ready to defend ourselves here if something comes our way, by being a light unto nations, not a fight onto nations?  Why go stirring up more hatred in other countries?  How is that respecting the freedom of those people?  Don’t they deserve their freedom?  Or is it only freedom for those who subscribe to the agenda of Glenn, Sarah, and friends?  Kind of like with the natives here: either you give up everything you are, and be Free Like Us!, or else…!

Oh, but this is too complex a conversation to have with people who shout and make grandiose statements rather than critically examining what they’re saying.  Besides, few in their constituency are interested in complexities; it’s way easier to streamline these emotions into a few solid points that angry, probably depressed, financially precarious people can rally themselves around, go into boot camps with, work on their marksmanship with, be ready to sacrifice themselves for…(sound familiar?)

These people believe in this mission; it is very clearcut for them.

When they say America, they see white people on the shining hill, in the white house, wrapped in old glory, bombs bursting in air over anywhere that doesn’t bow down.  March ONWARD Christian Soldiers!

They want the brown people out, cleaning bathrooms, or in jail, and everyone else in their places – that means women, too; don’t want no back talk; don’t want no gays; don’t want no marijuana…

These white, neo-conservative, right-wing, proselytizers are aligning against everyone else in this country.  They do not simply believe in Live and Let Live.  They want us all to believe in their version of god, they want power, and they want things run their way.

And, as always, the argument lingers on: Who are “We the People”?

50 Million reasons why NOT:

I just heard that Republican candidate for Senator in Connecticut Linda McMahon says she is willing to spend $50 million dollars (of her own money) on her campaign against Richard Blumenthal, after his nasty “gaff” about serving in Vietnam. She’s already spent $16 million.

Hello? People of America????  FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS?!??

Okay, that’s only enough money to make 50 people into millionaires, or allow 500 people to have $100,000 or 5000 families $10,000, and so on.  This, in a time when families are losing their homes, when elderly people can’t buy both food and medicine, when children are hungry at school and still without new textbooks…It’s utterly disgusting!

Anderson Cooper writes on his blog site:

“Maybe you’ve seen Linda McMahon on stage in the midst of a “smackdown” with her daughter and some of the wrestlers. It’s certainly entertaining to watch, but critics say it hasn’t exactly prepared her for public office…”  http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2010/03/03/cost-of-entry-50-million-bucks/

I’m not sure I agree.  Sadly, I have to say that she’s got just the right credentials to appeal to our entertainment saturated culture.  Her background as founder of WorldWide Wrestling Entertainment puts her way ahead of the other candidates.  I mean hey, there’s Wrestling, which one does with one’s opponents, and once in office, with laws and economics, policies, regulations, the media, and one’s public; and there’s Entertainment:  Who cares how much she spends to get into office, as long as we get a good show out of her!  Who cares what she knows about real people facing daily struggles to survive in a healthy way, She’s got friends in the WWE!  And those folks know how to put on a show!  Probably half the people watching that stuff don’t realize it’s a cartoon!  And those are probably the same people who voted for Reagan, and Schwarzenegger…Yeah, Actors leading our country (no offense to all the intelligent thespians out there).

America is turning into a very badly run circus that is out of control.  I feel like I’m on a train that is careening off the tracks, first this way then that.  And who cares?  People like Linda McMahon?

What I want is reform.  I want free air time for all candidates, and all candidates should have to live in the communities they represent, and should also have to work half time in those communities.  And no one who has that much money of their own should be allowed to run for office because they DO NOT represent the majority of Americans.  They probably do represent the aspirations of most Americans, but if anyone thinks these people are in touch with what’s happening on the ground, in the streets, in the public schools, or the hospitals, or even local laundromats, they need to WAKE UP!

Once again, the rich are ruining this country.  Only this time, it’s almost over.

I hear the train a –screeching

as it’s comin’ off the track;

We’ve lost control, it’s on a roll and I don’t think we’ll get it back –

Oh I’m stuck inside America, the border’s closing in…

Won’t no-one come to save us, and there ain’t nowhere to swim…

Education? Who needs it ~

Cars not Schools;

Bombs not Schools;

Shopping not Schools;

Football not Schools;

Facebook not history;

Twitter not Books;

Shopping not thinking;

Hello? Are you out there?

I know you’ve been whipped up, and are feeling so freaked out that getting online and going shopping seem to be the only things worth it anymore.   I mean, hey, if it’s all gonna fall apart, why not go shopping?  There ain’t no future, so why work for it?  Live for today, Consume while you can!

We need to spend money on industry, and on the military to ensure our access to resources so we can continue having industry so people in America can continue to shop.  So we don’t have enough money to spend on things like school buildings, or teachers, or textbooks, or literacy education for anyone who didn’t get it right the first time around in whatever school they might have been in, or not been in.  We don’t have the luxury of money to spend so our children grow up developed, educated, and with some sense of self confidence and self direction.  We only need workers and shoppers and soldiers.  We don’t need any thinkers or creative types messing things up.

School? Who needs it.  Wouldn’t you rather be a cashier? or a Janitor? or a Factory worker? Come on, we need factories!  And if you can’t get a job in a factory, you can be a soldier!  Come on, we need soldiers!  Democracy, Capitalism is under threat out there, and we need to go stamp out that threat!  Don’t you wanna be somebody?  A Sargent?  I don’t know how much farther up in the ranks you can get without education, but hey, if you can get good enough on that video game you can probably become a great sniper!

So Down with schools, who needs them anyway!

Let’s free up all those kids so they can become…become…?????

